PCS - A Quality of Service
Our success has been achieved by our commitment to high quality service - both to individual pet owners and to the UK veterinary profession. In the process, the company has built up a well deserved reputation, both as a caring company who are able to address the needs of grieving owners, and as a responsible and essential partner for the veterinary practitioner.
PCS has recognised the importance of delivering the highest standards of service in what is a difficult and often delicate area. This commitment is reflected at all stages of our business, from the company's sensitively produced literature through to the attitudes of every employee.

"The highest of quality without financial compromise": PCS's philosophy is best summed up in that single sentence. It means the highest standards without compromise apply for each and every pet that comes into our care. For instance, for every cremation we carry out we treat as though they were one of our own family. Following the cremation every aspect of your wishes are carried out and given a final quality check ensuring we apply the highest standards to your choice of return.
This quality claim applies to all our products, all our services, the reliability of our drivers, Crematorium divisions and Customer Services personel.