Online support and services for Veterinary Surgeries

At PCS we offer a range of services for veterinary surgeries, helping them deliver dignified, accredited cremation services to their customers.

Our services include:

Individual Cremation 

Pets are cremated alone within a clean, enclosed chamber, with ashes guaranteed to be all and only those of the bereaved owner’s pet.

Standard Communal Cremation 

A small number of pets are cremated together. As there is no separation of pets in this process, no ashes are returned to the bereaved pet owner.

Online Portal 

Through our portal, veterinary surgeries can:  

  • Order supplies 
  • Download guides and information 
  • Set up and manage audit documentation
  • Achieve various compliance requirements

Contact us for more information



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Arranging a Pet Cremation


Unbelievable service touching and very personal thank you for making our grief that little bit less.

Iain Brown


Thank you very much for looking after Misty Blue she was a real character and is very much missed x

Helen Stewart

Got my dog's ashes back in a beautiful box with a gold nameplate, so comforting r.i.p tiara hunter.

Sandy Kelly

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