Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Marvel

Marvel if there was a song that reminded of you it would be he only ever did it "My Way" foremost he was a Family Dog only. He could be little devil but he was a cutie he had the most beautiful face and it melted your heart and he did get away with lots. Marvel had many nick names Miniature , Minichy , Marv, Marvin and Precious Boy.He loved nothing more than being on your lap and sleeping he was a lazy boy lol. Marvel loved to be a Baby Puppy and remained that way for his entire life. His love of journeys in the car and looking out the window or feeling the wind on his face when the window was down will forever pictured in our minds he had many holidays in Norfolk and Suffolk. He loved nothing more than Sun Bathing and feeling the warmth of the sun on his fur and adored tickling belly's and Head rubs and dental sticks and barking. Marvel I would just like to thank you for being such a big part of our family and very much loved He was always and will be 'Mummy's Baby" and I will miss the kisses you gave me and sleeping on my chest. I will Miss you little man we all will .We could see you in pain and struggling and it was time to let you go so you did not suffer anymore you were too timid for this world but I think you had a wonderful life with us and you with us. Gone but will never forgotten you have the biggest place in our hearts forever and always Sleep Tight Our Forever Baby Puppy Love you till we are Together Again xxx
The Sykes Family - Owners

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