Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Bexley

Bexley Parbery Feb 2017 to Jan 2023 The little ball of floof we carried to the car on 1st April 2017. The little character who was a bit of an ASBO in his first year. Mad as hell with no fear. The amount of times he would take off after a horse, dear, rabbit or squirrel and not return on command was scary. He was mental! We called him a little dick on many occasions. When he got a bit older he mellowed and listened more but still did what he wanted. He was so comical and funny. What a personality! He loved the beach and he frequently barked at the sea, dug holes and rolled in the dunes. You would always see Bexley with a stick. He carried them round everywhere. He would even try to pull stumps out of the ground in an attempt to find a fresh one to put his mark on. Bexley had soulful eyes , curly coat and lovable personality. The amount of times we got asked "Is he a Bedlington" and we'd say no " He's a cockapoo or at least we think he is". He was unique. A Bexley welcome was the best as he wagged his tail and jumped up to see you. You could have nipped out to the car or be gone for days and the reaction was always the same. We remember having been grossed out by dogs licking human faces but we loved kisses from Bexley even after watching him clean himself. You kinda just forgot! He could play for hours, ragging his toys, playing ball, chasing his friends in the park. He had so much fun. On his last week he tried to get it on with a black lab. He didn't have a clue bless him and was trying to mount her head. Only a selected few had ever had the leg treatment. Bexley was almost 6 and we feel really sad and robbed of such a wonderful boy. We will remember him fondly and hope he is at peace with one's we have already lost. On Wednesday we are attending his cremation. Thanks to everyone for your messages of condolence, photos, videos and sharing of memories. He will be missed and forever in our hearts.#bemorebexley

Lisa - Mum