Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Charlie

Making the decision to let you go, Brought more heartache than you could know, We all agreed, we must not let you suffer, Best say goodbye a day too soon, than a day too late And send you off to heaven’s gate, the most difficult decision of our life, One, which still cuts like a knife, Full of despair, we had to let you go, Far away to your forever rainbow, But thank you Charlie, for being our friend, For the past 12 years and to the end, You brought more happiness than you could know, And in those final moments, we hope, we did show, The impact that you had on our lives, Through all the tears and all the smiles, As we said goodbye and stroked your head, Sending you off to your eternal bed, We hope you heard our loving whispers, we all loved you from your tail to your whiskers, So, goodbye our special boy, life without you, is a stormy whirl, Full of sorrow and of sadness Without you here bringing gladness, But you will never be forgotten, From the top of our hearts, to the bottom You were our angel in disguise, And our love for you will never die. Untill we meet again over the rainbow bridge. All our love charlie boy, From Mummy, Daddy, Carla, Emily, Tiree and Freddie. Xxxxxxxxxxxx
Jenna - Owner

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