Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Cinnamon

Dear Cinnamon I miss you so much, I am so glad I picked you to be mine on April 31 2017! We have spent 2 and a half amazing years together. I held you close to my heart and told you things i wouldn't want anyone else hearing. I remember when we first brought you home and your grandma asked you "why do you have such a big butt?" I remember when I decided you were to much of a princess so my and your grandpa built you a huge new castle, where you could spend you days at. I remember bringing you to my friends houses for hamster sleepovers. I remember when me and Bella thought you were in love with Blue. Where you? I am so greatful I could hold your little body in my hands whilst you went to sleep. I love you so so much cinnabuns! Rest in internal peace. Love mummy♡

Sophie - Owner