Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Gem

Our sweet girl Gem, you taught us so much, without ever saying a word. Your love and loyalty knew no bounds. How blessed were we, having 11 years and 11 months with you, your were the centre of our world. Too pure a soul to suffer I had to let you free. You shall be missed forever and always. Your sister Lola is so sad without you and as much as my heart is broken I shall step up and make sure she knows how much she is loved too. Even Belle is confused by your absence. This is the most painful goodbye from all your family, although we know when our turn comes you'll be the first to run to us. Thank yiu for being you, our faithful, beautiful best friend. Rest in eternal peace my girl. All our love always, Mum Sandra, Yasmin, Sara, josef, Ian and all the kiddies and family xxxxx
Sandra Ismail - Mum