Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Ivan

Our beautiful Tuxedo Cat, Ivan passed away on 10th October 2022 and it all seems so surreal. He was 15 years old and initially the smallest of a litter of six orphan farm kittens. We thought he was a female so we initially named him Ivy and his sister Holly as they came to us just before Christmas 2007. It was only later on when visiting the vets with both of them that we found out we had got a male and a female. Ivan was a very affectionate chap, always purring and giving cat kisses with his eyes. He would try and talk to us, saying 'ra-ra' when hungry. He was especially close to both our daughters. Now he is with Tinkerbell and Sammy over the Rainbow Bridge. Run free Ivan - we will all miss you x
Janice and Steve Walkden and Family - Owners