Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Night Night Purdy, Sleep Tight XXX

Well we had to say goodbye to you on18th May 2017, my daughters birthday. you were about 18 years old, I just knew I would not be bringing you home that day, you were not in pain, but things were happening to you which was through old age, it was for the best to let you get your angel wings before you suffered. We got you back home today 26th May where you belong. All we can say is we are so glad you came into our lives, you were so loveable, you have left us with some lovely memories which we will treasure forever, We miss you so much little one, until we meet again R.I.P Purdy we will never forget you, you have left such a big hole in our hearts XXX
Angela Kidd - owner
Night Night Purdy, Sleep Tight XXX