Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Tarty (Flump)

To Our Tarty girl, We are all absolutely heartbroken not having you here, we are all still in shock but it now time for us to grieve the love we have for you and the impact you had in your our lives especially your mummy and daddy. I am writing on behalf of your mummy and daddy that you were their girl and you will always will be. They loved you, protected you from day one, when you were left to roam as a young kitten. They saved you and gave you the most beautiful home with your brother Jasper. I know their hearts are shattered but overtime they will have your memories and they will form the broken the heart. You will be protecting your mummy and daddy, running, jumping chasing your toys and playing peek a boo in your box. We will miss you tarty but we hope you are at peace and have the most beautiful sleep on that rainbow. Our tarty always remembered by: Mummy, Daddy, Jasper, Ellie, Cheryl, Maisie and your fur cousins.
Ellie Carvell - cousin
Tarty (Flump)

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