Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Ginny

Ginny, passed away 30th March 2019. Still miss you so much beautiful girl. You were my 'grandog' and I walked you most days and stayed with you when your owners were away. You were rescued from dogs trust when you were between 18 months and 3 years, and I hope I helped in some small way to help you feel secure and much loved for the 14 years you were in my life. You were a German shepherd/ Golden lab and I treasure all the moments I spent with you and sang you silly little songs as we were on our adventures together. I have a painting of you and a framed picture in the lounge and I want you to know I think of you every day, miss you every day and love you so much! Hope you are now at rest and in no more pain. Hope 'old' grandma and grandad are looking after you and keeping you safe. Love and miss you so much my beautiful girl and so wish you still were here my girl, after a tough 12 months in my life. I would give anything to have one more walk, one more cuddle and one more lick from you. God bless xxx

Keith - Grandas

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