Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Jazz

Our darling Jazzy, We brought you home having no clue the mark and impact you would have on all of our hearts. From sleeping on top of your food box, to taking up the entirety of mum and dads bed, we knew you would be one special dog. From your big sis, Emma, and your little sis, Kira, thank you for growing up with us and being the most amazing best friend we could ever ask for. Thank you for always smiling and getting excited when mum and dad came home from work. Overall just thank you for being you! You never failed to be there for us for 9 1/2 years and it was now our time to be there for you, by letting you go. Go and chase them foxes and pigeons till you can’t no more. Watch over us gorgeous girl, we will need it. Wait for us all at the bridge when it’s our time, but until then, go and make the sky beautiful just like it was on our wood walks. Sleep tight Jazz, we love you xx
Mum, Dad, Emma & Kira - Owners

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