Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Missy

Dear Missy, You adopted me in the summer of 2010 by walking through my back door. By October you`d decided you wanted me as your new owner - I never found out where you came from. Never been a cat owner before you taught me well and lived a life of true luxury with the best food, toys and beds and I put up with your scratching of carpets and furniture. When you were around 8 I took in the rescue Percy in the summer of 2017, then Bagel at Christmas 2017. After quite a few hissy fits and tantrums you graciously allowed them into your palace and Dottie arrived in December 2018. You all got along well provided they accepted your rules. Percy was your favourite and he followed you everywhere, worshipped you, and he stayed by your side when you eventually showed me your were ill in October this year. Even Bagel (your enemy) could tell your were ill and sniffed your increasing belly. After scans my worst nightmare was confirmed, you had liver and spleen cancer, beyond treatment, though I couldn`t have put you through surgery at the age of 14. I made the heartbreaking decision to end your suffering on November 2017 and stayed with you till you passed. I have your ashes home in a carved cat casket which I kiss every night. We all miss you Missy so much. I catch the others sometimes staring into space and I wonder if you are still here in spirit (I hope so). Missy, I`ll love you forever, you were my special 1st cat. Sleep tight until we meet again xxxxx
Pamela Kellett - Owner