Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Tinkerbell & Blue

Cats are definitely a girls best friend! On the night of Thursday 9th January 2020, Tinkerbell sadly passed away. Tinkerbell was diagnosed with kidney and intestinal problems and unfortunately had a tumour which ended up growing to the size of a plum. My little girl was so tiny as it was people would think she was a kitten but in fact she would have been 18 on the 2nd July. I went to Amsterdam on the 9th and that will be something I will never forgive myself for! I should have been at home when you needed me most, but at least you weren't alone! You were in the place you loved the most and with Mom and Dad and that is the most wholesome feeling! I am struggling so much with coming to terms that I'm not going to open my bedroom door and you rush to get up just to say hi and give me a cuddle! When I got you when I 5 years old, I knew that I would have a best friend for life and then when we got your twin brother the next day, I knew I was the luckiest girl in the world. You and your brother made my life so special and I don't think I could ever put into words how much I thank you for that! Our baby boy Blue sadly had to be put down on 22nd May 2018. In 2012 he was diagnosed with Chronic Cell Fibrosing Cheilitis and then a heart murmur in 2016. Bluey was such a fighter but it got to the point where he could no longer. He was our little hero! For the weeks and maybe months after that Tinkerbell wasn't the same, she missed you so much, she was lost! She spent a good part of her day looking around the house for you! She protected you and loved you just as much as you did her! I know that when Tink became ill, you were by her side from that moment and you were there for her when she took her last breathe! Now my beautiful twins and best friends are back together where they belong! I honestly can't thank you enough for the life you lived with us and what joy you bought to our family! Now you are with Brandii who has been running around by himself for over 3 years! Now to have my first 3 cats altogether playing and loving one another is the best feeling in the world and I promise to visit you as often as I can!! I love you more than life itself Tinkerbell & Blue xxxxx
Lauren Anderson-Bryan - Sister
Tinkerbell & Blue