Remembrance Book - In loving memory of Jack Rees

My dearest boy, you were the light of my life, the light of my day when I woke up in the morning, when I came home for work and at night to bed. You were my constant, my love and oh how I am going to miss your huge personality and all the love and laughs you brought to my life. I hope you are happy and healthy where you are, for 16 years it was just you and me and the world. I cry many many tears for you, and I know you would be meeowing for me to stop, give you a treat and the world all be okay. You will live in my heart forever and until we meet again my beautiful darling boy, you were loved more than I think you will ever know. I will look out for signs that you are around and I will not stay sad for too long but not a day will go by when I will not think of you and all you brought to this world, even your last mouse a 2 weeks ago! I hope you are breathing freely and Tim is giving you dreamies in Heaven. You were my world!!!!!!
Bronwyn Rees - Owner
Jack Rees

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